The pure struggle for survival.
We dive in into the fascinating world of our seas. From in see anemons living clownfish to the wildest and most official predators of our seas: the sharks. The underwater world is a hidden world to us humans. Although it radiates peace and tranquility
towards the world, there is a struggle for life here, how you can't find one in dschungles. The creatures under water have changed perfectly over millions of years in order to hunt their prey without being eaten themselves. This documentation view is influenced by the sizes of our industry. The most important underwater divers and experienced experts give us a unique view of the underwater world of our oceans. Here, too, there is a fight against climate change, against waste caused by plastic. Also here there is damage, tourism
and here too the habitats for the animals are becoming ever narrower, many are going to extinction.
With huge images in impressive szenarios, we show the most important documentation of the underwater world.
We dive in into the fascinating world of our seas. From in see anemons living clownfish to the wildest and most official predators of our seas: the sharks. The underwater world is a hidden world to us humans. Although it radiates peace and tranquility
towards the world, there is a struggle for life here, how you can't find one in dschungles. The creatures under water have changed perfectly over millions of years in order to hunt their prey without being eaten themselves. This documentation view is influenced by the sizes of our industry. The most important underwater divers and experienced experts give us a unique view of the underwater world of our oceans. Here, too, there is a fight against climate change, against waste caused by plastic. Also here there is damage, tourism
and here too the habitats for the animals are becoming ever narrower, many are going to extinction.
With huge images in impressive szenarios, we show the most important documentation of the underwater world.